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Stephen brunt essay

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Take a look at the life of Walter Gretzky and his lasting impact on the game of hockey. The First Family of On-ice Greatness means more to the game than simply records and numbers, though. The statistical dominance, the historic amassing of trophies — no one represents that aspect of the sport better than its most prolific scorer, Wayne Gretzky. It is often said that you will be remembered for what you do for others, and Walter Gretzky will be remembered forever.
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Conflict and Violence in Africa: Causes, Sources and Types

In police reform circles, many scholars and policymakers diagnose the frayed relationship between police forces and the communities they serve as a problem of illegitimacy, or the idea that people lack confidence in the police and thus are unlikely to comply or cooperate with them. This Essay argues that legitimacy theory offers an incomplete diagnosis of the policing crisis, and thus de-emphasizes deeper structural, group-centered approaches to the problem of policing. This Essay critiques the reliance of police decision makers on a simplified version of legitimacy and procedural justice theory. It aims to expand the predominant understanding of police mistrust among African Americans and the poor, proposing that legal estrangement offers a better lens through which scholars and policymakers can understand and respond to the current problems of policing.
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This factor of indispensability has not only helped us tremendously but has also resulted in the exploitation of the oceanic resources without any second thoughts. The careless human intervention has badly affected the oceanic ecosystem, threatening the existence of several other species on earth, including human beings. Accidents such as the BP oil spill and Samarco dam collapse are the striking instances to see how badly human activities can destroy the rich ecosystem of water bodies. Dumping sewage in the ocean has always been considered the cheapest and the easiest way of disposing of wastes.
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