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How to write an eighth note rest

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Triplets are probably the most misunderstood rhythm for beginning musicians. A triplet is not simply any grouping of three notes. Students are often confused thinking that when 3 notes are played close together, or if they are beamed together in written music, that they are triplets. A triplet is a specific rhythm, not a note grouping.

Understanding Piano Rests

Understanding Piano Rests | Piano Lessons

Notes and rests are dotted—that is to say, a dot is placed to the right of the note or rest—to indicate that the length of time the note is played or the rest is held should be changed in a piece of music. A dot after a note tells the musician that the note or rest should be held half again as long as its normal duration. Every musical work has an established tempo and most scholars believe that musical tempi are based on human heartbeats. Musicologist David Epstein calls the underlying rhythm of any piece of music a "ground pulse" that in some respects sets the tone for the piece.

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Noteheads and stems : Use a short diagonal line for the notehead, followed by a straight vertical line for the stem. Half notes and whole notes : Draw an oval or a circle. Flagged notes : Draw a flag onto the end of the stem, either as a separate stroke from the stem or as part of the same stroke. Add additional flags to turn an eighth note into a sixteenth note, and so on.
It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I'm taking a beginner online piano class. It would be unusual to have three quarter notes in the measure, for example. It would more likely be written as a quarter note, eighth note tied to eighth note, quarter note to show the two distinct groupings.
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