» » Throughout the essay brady repeats the words i want a wife. what is the effect of this repetition

Throughout the essay brady repeats the words i want a wife. what is the effect of this repetition

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Please join StudyMode to read the full document. She uses examples of male selfishness in order to convince her audience that male and female roles are unequal. Her audience includes both single and married women. She uses rhetoric throughout her writing with appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos.

Rhetorical Analysis Of Hyperbole In I Want A Wife

Senior Comp Rob Norman: Why I want a wife questions

There are certain things and duties required for a housewife to do. Brady describes all the helpful things done for a husband and children without even realizing all the responsibility and what she is doing. No one ever acknowledges that things done by a wife can be done by someone who was not a wife, but instead a man. Judy realizes she supports her husband so he can go back. She focuses on all the concepts that she struggles with as a woman, herself.

Gender Roles In Judy Brady's Why I Want A Wife

Judy Brady has strong beliefs in regards to societal standards, specifically the unrealistic pressures forced upon women. In order to get the point across clearly, she creates a sarcastic tone through diction and repetition. Brady uses strong word choice to create an ironic and sarcastic tone. The text contains a personal story that references the.
Her style of writing is more so directed towards adult men that are in a relationship. She wants to prove the insanity of all of the tasks women are expected to complete. Brady wants to prove to men how ridiculous it is of their views on their wives.
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  1. [MEMRES-18]❿❽
    Jus A.24.04.2021

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    Karl R.25.04.2021

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